Services - BW Plus Hotel Expo Verona


Best Western Hotel Plus Hotel Expo Verona offers many services to business travelers, in order to help you find the same comforts as your office and make your stay pleasant and comfortable.

Include the Business Package by selecting it from the additional services in the welcome email after your booking, or request it by contacting the hotel directly, at the price of € 8.00 per room per night you will have:

  • Minibar (2 water, 1 soft drink and 1 snack);
  • Kettle with enriched selection of tea and coffee;
  • Garage;
  • Use of fax, printer and copier at the reception.
Servizi Business

Free Internet

In the room and in the common areas

Main newspapers

Available through a special app

Universal battery charger

For any type of mobile phone

Business Point

Computer station and high speed internet

Fast Check-out

To speed up departure

Early Breakfast

Coffee buffet available from 5 am

Safe deposit boxes

For laptops at the reception

Pillow menu

For a tailor-made rest

Shuttle service

From / to the airport and other destinations (upon reservation and availability)

Free Wi-Fi

Total coverage of rooms and common areas

Reception 24/24 h

With luggage storage

Pillow menu

For a tailor-made rest

Shuttle service

From / to the airport and other destinations (upon reservation and availability)

Free Wi-Fi

Total coverage of rooms and common areas

Reception 24/24 h

With luggage storage

Smokers rooms

With extra ozone treatment service

Room service

It also includes laundry service

Ristorante Vittoria

Inside the hotel, it offers catering and à la carte services

Underground garage

With video surveillance

SPA & Fitness

Divinae SPA & Beauty and equipped gym


40″ Smart TV in every room

Smokers rooms

With extra ozone treatment service

Room service

It also includes laundry service

Ristorante Vittoria

Inside the hotel, it offers catering and à la carte services

Underground garage

With video surveillance

SPA & Fitness

Divinae SPA & Beauty and equipped gym


40″ Smart TV in every room

Pet friendly

We welcome 4-legged friends

USB recharge

Easily recharge your devices

Affiliated Wellness Club

Near the hotel

Pet friendly

We welcome 4-legged friends

USB recharge

Easily recharge your devices

Affiliated Wellness Club

Near the hotel